How to get rid of Belly Fat | What is Belly fat? | Effective tips to lose Belly Fat

Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat

What is Belly Fat?

Belly Fat is the excess or unused fat that collects around the abdomen. 

There are two types of Belly Fat, the fat which surrounds a person's organs is known as Visceral and the fat that sits under the skin is known as Subcutaneous.

Belly Fat not just gives you bad shape, makes your clothes look ugly but it is seriously harmful to your health.

A person with too much
Visceral fat is prone to get type 2 diabetes, Mellitus, hypertension, heart ailments, dementia, cancers (particularly colon cancer and breast cancer), etc.

Why is it so easy to gain Belly Fat?

Stress, unhealthy lifestyle, heredity, excess of fatty foods, all lead to fat gathering around the abdomen, before one notices, they have a bit or a lot around the abdomen.

We continue to enjoy our life and notice it only when the pant button starts to get difficult to put. It happens to most of us, and then we begin to wonder how did it happen so easily.

There are various reasons which let us gather
Belly Fat, it happens easily when you eat too much certain carb foods, they show up fast as belly fat, Second main reason is stress, today's fast pace life is full of stress and stress releases the hormone cortisol.

Cortisol isn't good as it moves fast to the Belly. Heredity and Hormones also are other reasons which often are considered responsible to increase Belly Fat.

Once these all factors team upon you, you realize you have gained
Belly Fat and if you are lucky to notice your growing belly before any health issues arise, you start looking for ways to lose Belly Fat.

You try to eat right, change your diet and even start going to the gym to do a regular workout, cardio, and the works which target your belly and also look for weight loss plans but none of these seem to get you any success, nothing seems to just help you get rid of this stubborn
belly fat.

You start wondering and looking for ways to quickly lose those extra kilos, the love handles, and soon realize you are not alone, you find belly popping up with your neighbors, colleagues, and people on the street.

and this is where one starts seriously look for options, answers to questions such as can anything be done about it?

Consulting a dietician or your gym instructor tells you how much fat you need to lose using the BMI or Body Mass Index a method used to measure the amount of excess fat in one's body and is a common method to predict the risk of metabolic disease.

Murooj Townhouses in Al Furjan by Nakheel

Why Is Losing Belly Fat So Hard?

Once the fat starts collecting around your belly, it's hard to lose it easily, the main reason for this is it wraps around your organs making it difficult to move and burn as compared to the fat that gathers around any other part of your body.

Though losing fat from this area of the body is difficult, there are several ways one can do to lose abdominal weight.

Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Scientific research has found these 4 effective ways to lose Belly Fat:
  • Diet Eating a Healthy, Balanced Diet
  • Exercise
  • Stress management
  • Right amount of sleep, at least 8 hours daily
When above steps are done in a balanced way, it can do wonders in reducing belly fat and all.

Common diet tips to lose Belly Fat

  • Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet
  • Include high-fibre foods
  • Avoid Trans Fat containing foods
  • Avoid completely intake of Alcohol
  • Start intermittent fasting
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Reduce and Manage Stress
  • Sleep well, a minimum of 8 hours daily

Briefly speaking, to effectively lose Belly Fat, it's important to bring changes in lifestyle with proper diet, healthy food, avoid fatty or harmful foods, create room and bring in place discipline for regular exercise, reduce stress, give up alcohol and try and get used to intermittent fasting.

Eat plenty of soluble fiber

Soluble fiber helps you feel full so you naturally eat less, it absorbs water and forms a gel that helps slow down food passing through your digestive system and thus helps fight Belly fat.

Some of the easy to find soluble foods are:
  1. Black beans
  2. Lima beans
  3. Avocado
  4. Sweet Potato
  5. Broccoli
  6. Brussels Sprouts
  7. Pears
  8. Turnips
  9. Kidney beans
  10. Figs
  11. Apricots
  12. Carrots
  13. Apples
Sunflower seeds
Flax seeds

Soluble fiber is good for overall health, it helps reduce bad cholesterol and helps you balance sugar levels.

The best way is to start slowly and gradually increase the intake of soluble fiber foods.

Drinking plenty of water is good as it helps you form a gel that helps digestion and prevent constipation.

All fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes contain some soluble fiber but Brussels sprouts, avocados, black beans, flax seeds are recommended as they help achieve lose weight more.

Eat high protein diet
Avoid too much intake of alcohol
Reduce Stress
Avoid sugary foods
Do light exercises
Avoid foods that contain fat
Cut back on carbs
Replace cooking oil with coconut oil
Start with some weight lifts
Avoid Sugar drinks
Get plenty of sleep
Track your food intake and exercise
Stop fruit juices
Try intermittent fasting
Eat fatty fish every week
Drink green tea
Change your lifestyle
Start eating probiotic foods
Add apple cedar vinegar to your diet

There are no easy solutions to lose weight

Murooj Townhouses in Al Furjan by Nakheel

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