India and Maldives row: Explained

The India-Maldives Row What is the row between India and Maldives? Prime Minister Narendra Modi's posts of his holiday photos on social media have caused tensions between the two countries to boil over. PM Modi simply posted pictures of him relaxing on Lakshadweep beach prompting Maldive's deputy minister and two of her colleagues to make some derogatory remarks calling him a clown and puppet of Israel. It seems the visit by PM Modi to India's own island Lakshadweep caused panic in Maldives fearing Indian tourists visiting lakshadweep instead of Maldives. Their fear that If this happens then maldives will be hit severly as its economy depends on tourisim and 30% of tourists are from India. Every year over 200,000 Indians visit Maldives for holidays and are the largest number of tourists coming from any country, followed by Russians , C hinese and other countries. The fear of losing business to lakshadweep was enough to put the ministers on wrong foot and instead of ...