If we buy a property in Dubai, can we get a visa?

If we buy a property in Dubai, can we get a visa?

Dubai or UAE does not give citizenship to foreigners but for past some years have started offering a concept of citizenship called Golden Visas.

Golden visa is actually a long-term residency visa program that gives expats or foreigners the right to live, work and study for a long period.

The idea is to attract investors, entrepreneurs, highly skilled professionals, and outstanding students.

The option to qualify for a Golden Visa is either by investments which should be 1 million AED and above (approximately 270,000 USD).

This investment can either be either by purchasing real estate, keeping a fixed deposit in banks, or starting a business with a minimum capital such as investing in goods or assets, etc.

Additionally, if someone does not fall in the above 2 categories but is a highly skilled professional with special skills in various fields such as engineer, doctor, scientist, or mathematician, they can also qualify for a golden visa.

Next comes students who excel academically, they are now also eligible to acquire golden visas for themselves and their parents and siblings.


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