How to get rid of Belly Fat | What is Belly fat? | Effective tips to lose Belly Fat

Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat What is Belly Fat? Belly Fat is the excess or unused fat that collects around the abdomen. There are two types of Belly Fat, the fat which surrounds a person's organs is known as Visceral and the fat that sits under the skin is known as Subcutaneous. Belly Fat not just gives you bad shape, makes your clothes look ugly b ut it is seriously harmful to your health. A person with too much Visceral fat is prone to get type 2 diabetes , Mellitus, hypertension, heart ailments, dementia, cancers (particularly colon cancer and breast cancer) , etc. Why is it so easy to gain Belly Fat? Stress, unhealthy lifestyle, heredity, excess of fatty foods, all lead to fat gathering around the abdomen, before one notices, they have a bit or a lot around the abdomen. We continue to enjoy our life and notice it only when the pant button starts to get difficult to put. It happens to most of us, and then we begin to wonder how did it happen so eas...